Our newest classes (Fashion Design, Marketing Your Art and Graphic Design) are proving to be not only successful but flourishing. The Fashion students are currently working on designing their own clothing line for a specific target market. Once completed, they will create and sew one of their own garments of design!
In Marketing Your Art (also known as Crafting for Etsy around campus) our students have chosen their product and are working to create tons of pieces to put up for sale on the Etsy Website. Currently, we have not set up the site as it is in construction, but as soon as it is published we will send the word out. Some of the items posted for sale on Etsy will also be available for sale and definitely show at Parent's Day (Memorial Day!)
Graphic Design is on its way to generating some potential magazine designers! These students began by designing a business card, and are now creating two-page magazine layouts about an article that interests them. Next up? Cereal box design!
As for our returning classes, there is no shortage of creativity and quality product generating. In Painting, students are completing their "Four Rectangle Painting" and moving on to their "Abstract Triangle Painting."
Drawing students are learning about and furthering their learning of perspective, both 1-point and 2-point perspective. The seniors in this class (who have experience with perspective) have developed their own projects and are working individually.
The 3D students are continuing their work with clay and are currently creating abstract sculptures. They are dealing both with a size requirement (at least 8" in every direction) and the abstract requirement. The definition of abstract is: of or pertaining to the formal aspect of art, emphasizing lines, colors, generalized or geometrical forms, etc., esp. with reference to their relationship to one another. In easier terms, student's sculptures cannot realistically represent anything! Below are photos of students "wedging" clay and "throwing slabs". Ask your students to tell you what that means!

Lastly, our ceramics class, headed up by Stacey and Emily, have just finished a four quadrant abstract tile. They are now working on a combined form project. Throughout class they have learned methods including wheel throwing, slab, coil building and pinch pot and must now choose at least two of the methods to combine into one project.
Please check back often for updates to the blog! Ask your students when their work is posted. And we hope to see you on Parent's Day!
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