
Latest Events in the Art Department

Throughout this spring we've had many different exciting things happening. We had students artwork entered into the Shoreline Arts Show and out of the 18 submitted four works were chosen! We had a mini-art show in the art room to show off our 3D/Sculpture students Recycled CD projects. And we were able to take two classes on a field trip to the Yale Art Gallery! Below you'll find photos of all of the events. Have a great Spring Break!

Shoreline Art Show Submitted Works:

Yale Art Gallery Field Trip:
(One student admiring a Mark Rothko Painting)

(One of our students standing in front of Andy Warhol's work)

(Our students were astounded by the work "Addict." No, the guy sitting down is not real!)

(Some of our students and teacher Bo Burgett checking out a graphic design exhibit of Jane Davis Doggett)

Recycled CD Art Show:

Here is also a picture of our "in-house" ceramics expert Stacey working with a student on the Potter's Wheel.